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What do you appreciate most about your work?

What do you appreciate most about your work?

After the pandemic, a lot of people rethought why they worked, and in the Great Resignation that followed, millions of people quit their jobs. However, it remains unclear whether or not job hopping helped people feel better about their work and lives.

It makes sense to look for a new job if you're unhappy with your current one, but you could end up back where you started if you haven't considered what it is that will truly bring you joy. It's important to take stock of your career satisfaction before making any drastic changes.

To begin, it may be helpful to consider the differences between contentment and satisfaction in the workplace and to think about which components of your employment are related to each emotion. 

This will help you plan for the future and think strategically about what kinds of roles you might want to pursue. These three questions can help you focus on the positive aspects of your job and move forward.


Photo from the wires


1. Which activities give me the most pleasure? Where exactly am I supposed to look? In the work itself, or the results?

We toss around the adjectives "happy" and "satisfied" without giving much thought to what sets them apart. Happiness is a fleeting feeling that shows how happy you are when you work hard to reach a goal. A sense of satisfaction comes from being pleased with one's accomplishments over a longer period of time.

Pride in one's work has been shown to increase one's happiness with life in general, according to studies. Knowing that you are working towards a worthwhile goal might help keep you motivated even on days when you have to deal with less-than-enjoyable duties. If you're doing a lot of unappealing work for a good cause, you might find yourself enjoying it more than you'd expect.

Lastly, when thinking about your career, you should think about how it makes you feel now and how it will make you feel in the long run.


2. What does it mean when my work reflects my values?

Find out what you enjoy most about your career and why you find it so enticing. This assessment stems from what you consider important in life.

What people value most in their jobs and personal lives is reflected in their core beliefs. It's important that your job fulfills you and reflects your beliefs. If you care deeply about making a difference in the lives of others, then the work's mission could be a deciding factor in how much you like your career.

Daily joy at work (as shown in one's choice of tasks) is crucial to living a life consistent with one's pursuit of pleasure. To the extent that you place a high value on success and authority, your sense of fulfillment at work will depend on how much you've been able to accomplish.


3. Which goals do I want to be able to check off my list?

You've surely heard the old adage that no one ever regretted spending less time at work on their deathbed. However, your responses to the questions so far will have a significant impact on whether or not this is the case for you.

To ensure that your job is in line with your beliefs, you must take into account not only the immediate effects of your actions but also their cumulative impact over time (or what you might think of as your legacy). The best way to consider your legacy is to use your mind's incredible capacity for time travel.

What do you hope your life's work will be remembered for? Do you believe the direction you're heading in will allow you to make that kind of difference? Are you comfortable with this effect?


Final Thoughts

Focus on your current career path if you think it will make you happy at work and give you a sense of happiness in your life. However, if the gap is particularly wide, you should start considering other options. If you're having trouble figuring out your best job path, you might want to talk to a career counselor. Find someone whose focus is on guiding you toward that harmony, though.


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