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In the New Year, Try Doing These 6 Tips to Always Improve at Work

In the New Year, Try Doing These 6 Tips to Always Improve at Work

The fresh year brings with it brand new goals, habits, and resolutions; carry that energy into your workplace and be at the top of your game all throughout the year with these helpful tips.


Photo by Dayne Topkin on


With the never-ending cycle of cheery music, changing seasons, and holiday decorations present in every store, one thing is crystal clear — we have to brace ourselves for what is yet to come in 2022.

The end of a year is the best time to reminisce, contemplate on what happened for the last 12 months, and determine which areas need more attention in the year ahead. 

To begin with, these improvements aren't innately wrong. In fact, it's a must-do to obtain your goals. Focus on developing yourself to be more than what you are now. 

As such, here are some essential courses of action to take if improving in your career is your main goal this 2022:


1. Read Books— Nonfiction and Fiction

Reading is one of the great ways to learn and relax at the same time. As such, it's a feel-good activity that helps you meditate, acquire more knowledge, and wind down that you might have missed out on before.

If you are looking for a hassle-free way to improve, we suggest you give books a chance and start reading. Here are a few of the benefits you'll gain from reading:

  • Reducing stress
  • Relieve anxiety
  • Lessen the risk of Alzheimer's
  • And many more.


    2. Listen to Industry-related Podcasts.

    For people who dislike reading, you may opt-in for podcasts. It's also a good alternative for people that don't have extra time for reading books. 

    Over the last few years, podcasts have become popular and part of everyone's daily routine. As of this writing, there are already thousands of podcasts with regard to anything. Rest assured that there are plenty of podcasts to select from that resonate with the industry you belong to. In addition, it's a good way to see the business landscape with fresh eyes; thanks to the though-pondering perspectives of other professionals.


    3. Invest in Improving Your Skills.

    Even if you are a respectable professional in your field, there's nothing to be ashamed of in enrolling yourself in skills-improving courses; regardless of whether you've obtained a degree or just recently graduated.

    The majority of local community schools sometimes provide courses for adults about almost anything, ranging from cooking 101 to top-tier computer software. You may also enroll to get a graduate certificate or a professional degree at a local college. 

    By actively learning help you improve and discover new skills. Other people wanted to learn by doing it properly through taking a course.


    4. Rekindle an Old Passion to Improve Creativity

    Occasionally, we tend to be caught up with work and ended up forgetting about our personal lives; specifically ourselves. Whatever activity to had fun doing before, it's worth revisiting it to enhance your creative thinking.

    Spending some time for yourself lessens your stress and gets your mind off work in the meantime. Why does it help boost your creativity in the first place? Because it allows you to see it in fresh eyes especially when solving problems that might occur.


    5. Ask for Feedback and Critique.

    If you're still wondering which areas need more improvement, don't be intimidated to get feedback and critique from those who can provide it. Inevitably, despite being self-aware, people we trust observe a lot of things from us and these are what we called blind spots from one of the quadrants of the Jahori Window. From this, it allows you to reflect and contemplate on how you can improve.


    6. Get Clear on your Goals.

    Every year, people have this habit of making a New Year's Resolutions to redeem from their not-so-good decisions before. Ironically, while many people have a hard time keeping up with it, it's still a good way to make one for yourself, too.

    By setting up personal and career goals at the start of the new year, it gives you more reason to keep on track all throughout the year. For a better vision of what your goals will be, here's an undated #FirstStep planner that only takes 2 minutes of your time to plan the day:


    Improvement comes in different phases. In everything that you do, it should always start from within. While these suggestions are purposely for you to be a better and productive person, some of these might help in your personal life, too. 

    Helping others, reassessing your creativity, envisioning goals, and learning new things are excellent ways to step up your game for 2022.


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