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A Bookworm's Guide to a Meaningful Lent with Gregory Books PH

A Bookworm's Guide to a Meaningful Lent with Gregory Books PH

As we enter the Lenten season, many turn inwards for reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth. Traditionally, this is a time for increased prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. But it's also a perfect opportunity to curl up with a good book that can inspire and guide you on your Lenten journey.

While Gregory Books doesn't have a large selection of explicitly religious titles, plenty of gems can enrich your Lenten experience. Here are a few recommendations to get you started:


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1. Sparkling Inspiration: A Gentle Reminder by Bianca Sparacino

Imagine curling up with a steaming mug of tea on a quiet Lenten morning. Now, imagine that mug overflowing with uplifting messages and quotes – that's the essence of Bianca Sparacino's "A Gentle Reminder." 

This heartwarming collection is a daily source of inspiration, prompting you to cultivate a positive and grateful mindset throughout the season. As you navigate the complexities of self-reflection and repentance, Sparacino's gentle nudges can be a guiding light, reminding you of the blessings that surround you.

You may also want to read: Finding Solace in Bianca Sparacino's 'A Gentle Reminder'— A Book Review

2. From Stagnation to Sacred Action: Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk

Do you find yourself stuck in a rut, yearning to break free and chase your dreams? Sometimes, a well-timed nudge is all it takes to spark a transformation. Gary Vaynerchuk's electrifying book, "Crushing It," serves as that nudge.

Packed with motivational energy, "Crushing It" is a clarion call to action. It urges you to conquer your limitations and chase the dreams that ignite your soul. Lent can be a springboard for positive change, and the "Crushing It" bundle can provide the spark that ignites your journey of self-improvement.

3. Embracing Your Authentic Self: Daring To Take Up Space by Brene Brown

Lent is a season of introspection, a time to delve deep within and examine the core of who we are. Brene Brown's thought-provoking book, "Daring To Take Up Space," delves precisely into this exploration of self.

Brown delves into the power of courage and authenticity, urging us to embrace our vulnerabilities and live a life true to ourselves. As you embark on your Lenten reflection, Brown's insights can be a transformative tool for examining your values and aligning them with your deepest truths.

You may also want to read: Healing Through Poetry: Lessons from 'Daring to Take Up Space'

Planting Seeds of Change

First Step Planner by Natalie Seldon: Lent is a powerful time to set intentions and goals for personal growth. Seldon's "First Step Planner" becomes your roadmap to positive change. Use it to chart your spiritual aspirations, track your progress in prayer or acts of service, and stay motivated as you strive for a deeper connection with your inner self.

Beyond This List:

Remember, this is just a starting point! Feel free to explore other genres at Gregory Books PH. Perhaps a historical fiction novel about resilience can inspire you, or a heart-wrenching memoir can spark empathy and compassion.  The key is to find a book that speaks to your soul and ignites your spirit during this reflective season.

So this Lent, grab a cozy blanket, curl up with a good book, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal. Let the power of literature guide you toward becoming a better version of yourself.


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