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5 Effective Key-Steps to Inspire Your Team

5 Effective Key-Steps to Inspire Your Team

Change tends to create anxiety, uncertainty, and stress to the employees affected by it, and to the leaders implementing the act. As much as we want to avoid it, change is a natural phenomenon that we must embrace to grow. Unfortunately, for others who can't adapt quickly, this impacts their performance and motivation. 

In this article, we have gathered a list of fool-proof tips where you can inspire others in the workplace.


Photo by Cytonn Photography on

1. Appreciate a Job Well Done

    Most companies conduct recognition programs every year in their companies and this is why: When an employee is recognized, it confirms that they are doing the right thing. Thus, encourages them to repeat it since people innately crave recognition.

    There is a lot of HR and Manager that encourages positive reinforcement in the workplace. When you give or say something as a reward to your employee whenever they perform a desired action, they'll associate that action with the reward and are more likely to do it more often. It fulfills employees' esteem and sense of belongingness in a group.

    However, do note that this approach varies depending on how a person wants to be recognized. Some love to have their name called out on special occasions. While there are some who prefer to be discreetly appreciated. 


    Photo by Kelly Sikkema on

    2. Communicate the Goals

      The real challenge is to make everyone follow and be consistent with progress. This isn't an easy task.

      When you define, develop, and communicate your company's goals, it's easier for everyone in the team to move forward towards it.  For the company to achieve this, avoid forcing them to conform. Show them the correct path and guide them to follow it through instead.

      Most importantly, walk the talk. Take responsibility and be accountable whenever you commit mistakes. Whether it's intentional or not, your employees observe how you do things; and it will reflect them, too.


      Photo by Leon on

      3. Get To Know Your Employees

        Believe it or not, knowing your employees is an essential responsibility of being a leader. By doing this, it builds a sense of community, trust, and teamwork within your organization. These three components are the main ingredients to keep the fire burning in the long run. 

        -How do you get to know them? You might want to consider these questions:

        -What are their names and job titles?

        -Is anyone dealing with personal issues that might affect their work?

        -Which of them have creative skills?

        -Do you have more analytical employees?

        It may seem simple and a waste of time, but exerting an effort to get to know your team makes a big difference in uplifting your employee's morale, job satisfaction, and performance.


        Photo by Annie Spratt on

        4. Encourage Autonomy

          Have you heard someone from your company sarcastically uttered, "I love how my boss micromanages our job." From the looks of it... employees have flunked their performance and feel discouraged. 

          We all want to be in control of our energy and time, and a lack of it is an easy way to mess up your team's motivation. Granting the right amount of autonomy demonstrates trust. Also, autonomy is the most important motivator among the team. This can be through schedule and time off. 

          When you let your employees set their hours, you'll be surprised how thrilled they are to start their day right away. 


          Photo by Hanny Naibaho on 

          5. ALWAYS. Always, Express Gratitude

            Gratitude and recognition are different even though they may seem similar. The former is defined as the quality of being thankful, while the latter is the appreciation of the good qualities of something or someone.

            Surprisingly, both the person who utters and receiving the act of thankfulness elevate mood through excreting feel-good chemicals of the brain. 

            You see, this builds a calm and safe environment for the people within. Better mood and feeling appreciated relatively results to a motivated team.


            These days, leaders inside an organization forget that to give outcomes more value and degree than the rules. If this system is changed, you'll be surprised how motivated your employees to head on to any challenges.

            While there's no universal formula of motivation that fits all of your people, these steps might be of help to your organization. 

            Do you have personal motivation technique you want to share? 

            Share it with us in the comments below.


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